ADMIN EMOJI = ADMIN 1 " !! "/ ADM 2 -🗑️


1. We have to check one by one.
2. If you're an iKONIC, if you're multifandom, we will check what you've been posting about iKON,
3. We won't accept private account, open accounts with 0 folllowers, inactive account, or backup accout who seems suspicious.
4. Recents accounts, we will wait for updates, you will be on waiting.
5. If you're into fanwars, hate inside of our fandom or even outside, we won't accept your request.
6. If you're not an iKONIC, i am sorry but you won't be accepted.
7. If you follow these steps, just wait and you will be accepted! thanks!

remember that we have more than 300 accounts to check one by one, please wait for your time!


1. Do not spread any contents from here, only spread to trusted iKONICs, THROUGH DM!!!!
2. You will be removed if we find out that you're spreading private contents from our account.